Friday, October 19, 2012

Like, what the hell?

I am actually having a very bad time. Really bad. I mean, come on. Why don't other girls have allergies, especially on their legs, and I do? Why? I've seen an allergy specialist, whatever the hell you may call them, and her verdict? I am basically, basically (mental, if you ask me) allergic to every food that has preservatives in it. Like what the fuck? So I have to drink soya milk and all that shit, but because I am lactose intolerant, too, I don't get to enjoy milk as one would like to enjoy it. Ice cream, anyone?

Secondly, I am terribly vexed about the lack of things to do now that it is already semestral break. Hello? We've been on sembreak since the 6th of October and all I did was drink my heart out. I'm having beer abs already!! I wanna go to the gym but as a couch potato and lazy ass that I am, can't do it. . . Nahhh. I'll go buy a book.

Third, I am feeling so sick being on Facebook all day, but it's like a habit I cannot break. Social life, I mean, REAL social life, where are you??!

So friends, (and crush - oh, should I tell you I like you or should I just stay put and wait 'til you bang your head against the wall and realize you've got it bad for me?) if you're reading this....



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